
What are the key points of purchasing plastic pallets?


According to the different use environment, choose pall […]

According to the different use environment, choose pallets of different materials.
Temperature conditions. Different operating temperatures directly affect the choice of tray manufacturing materials. This is because trays of different materials have a temperature range in which their performance can be normally performed. For example, the use temperature of plastic trays is between +40-25°C.
Humidity. Some material pallets have strong moisture absorption, such as wooden pallets cannot be used in a humid environment, otherwise it will directly affect the service life.
The cleanliness of the use environment. Consider the degree of contamination of the pallet by the use environment. In a highly polluted environment, you must choose a pallet that is resistant to pollution and easy to clean. Such as plastic pallets, composite plastic wood pallets, etc.
The cargo carried has special requirements for the pallet material. Sometimes the cargo carried by the pallet is corrosive or the cargo carried requires consideration of the specifications and dimensions of the transportation means and transportation equipment. The appropriate pallet size should be just enough to meet the size of the transportation tool, which can improve the full and reasonable utilization of the transportation tool space and save transportation costs, especially the box size of the container and the transportation truck.
In addition to considering the size, the size of the warehouse and the size of each compartment should also be considered; considering the packaging specifications of the pallet-loaded goods, select the appropriate size pallet according to the packaging specifications of the pallet-loaded goods, and use the surface area of ​​the pallet to the limit of prohibited words. .
Consider the usage range of the pallet. The pallet flow direction of the loaded goods directly affects the choice of pallet size. Usually, goods going to Europe should choose 1200mm×1000mm pallets, and goods going to Japan should choose 1100mm×1100mm pallets. The selection of the pallet structure The structure of the pallet directly affects the efficiency of the pallet, and a suitable structure can give full play to the characteristics of the efficient operation of the forklift.
The pallet is used as a floor plank, that is, after the pallet is loaded with goods, it will not move, but only play a role of moisture and water resistance. You can choose a pallet with a simple structure and a lower cost, such as a simple wooden pallet, but pay attention to the static load and use of the pallet. For pallets used for transportation, handling, loading and unloading, choose pallets with high strength and large dynamic load. This type of pallet has to be used repeatedly and used in conjunction with a forklift, so the strength of the pallet is relatively high. This requires the structure of the pallet to be "Tian" or "川".
According to whether the pallets are to be stacked after loading the goods, decide whether to choose a single-sided or double-sided pallet. Since single-sided pallets have only one load-bearing surface, they are not suitable for stacking. Otherwise, it is easy to cause damage to the lower layer of goods. Therefore, if you need to stack the goods after reloading, you must try to choose double-sided pallets.
If the pallet is used on the shelf in the three-dimensional library, it is also necessary to consider whether the structure of the pallet is suitable for stacking on the shelf. As the goods can only be inserted from the shelves in two directions, the pallets used on the shelves should be used as far as possible to choose the pallets with forks on all sides, so as to facilitate the forklift to pick up the goods and improve work efficiency. Such trays generally choose the structure of Tianzihang