
What are the effects of injection molding production conditions on the product?


Simply put, the performance complexity of plastic raw m […]

Simply put, the performance complexity of plastic raw materials determines the complexity of the injection molding production process. The performance of plastic materials is due to different varieties, different injection molding production and processing conditions, different grades, and even different batches. Different injection performance parameters will lead to different results.

Three aspects of the influence of injection molding production time on the molding process
(1) Due to the shear characteristics of the plastic melt, the viscosity of the melt will be reduced. In order to fill the cavity, the required injection pressure should also be continuously reduced.
(2) The injection pressure required to fill the cavity should also be increased
(3) The greater the shear heating, the less heat is dissipated by thermal conduction, so the higher the temperature of the melt, the lower the viscosity, and the lower the injection pressure required to fill the cavity.

Injection temperature is also an issue. The melt flows into the cooled cavity and loses heat due to thermal conduction. At the same time, the heat generated by shearing can be more or less than the heat generated by thermal conduction, which is caused by a variety of factors, mainly depending on the injection molding conditions. In addition, the viscosity of the melt decreases with increasing temperature. Therefore, the higher the temperature during injection molding production, the lower the viscosity of the melt and the lower the required filling pressure.

In the entire injection molding production process, the influence of different conditions on the injection molding products is diverse.